To receive an Excellent rating, the individual must publish ongoing research and other scholarly activity in refereed national or international professional journals or serving as editor of a scholarly volume in one’s field.
Although most of my work has been published in national and international conference proceedings, I have published 2 articles in the A-journal in my field (Quality Management Journal), 5 other articles in international journals, had 1 article translated into Chinese and republished, and 2 other refereed articles that are not in academic journals. I have also edited 3 volumes of international proceedings for a conference, and have just started preparing for my 2014 editorial duties for that same proceedings volume. I also contributed to one refereed academic software package that is Astrophysics Source Code Library at Harvard.
Published Research in (Refereed) National or International Professional Journals (full text available through Publication List):
- Radziwill, N. M. & Benton, M. C., 2013: Burning Man – Quality and Innovation in the Spirit of Deming. Journal for Quality and Participation, April, p. 7-11.
- Radziwill, N. M., 2013: A Review of Research in the Quality Management Journal: Influential Resources, Key Themes, and Emerging Trends. Quality Management Journal 20(1), Jan., p. 7-36.
- Radziwill, N. M., 2013: PDSA-X: A 21st Century Cycle for Learning and Improvement. Quality Progress, October.
- Radziwill, N. M., Olson, D., Vollmar, A., Lippert, T., Mattis, T., Van Dewark, K. and J.W. Sinn, 2009: Starting from Scratch. China Quality, p. 59-61. [translated into Chinese by Wangfang Data] Available at (with subscription) or view a copy at
- Radziwill, N. M., Olson, D., Vollmar, A., Lippert, T., Mattis, T., Van Dewark, K. and J.W. Sinn, 2008: Starting from Scratch. Feature article in Quality Progress, September 2008.
- Radziwill, N. M., 2006: Foundations for Quality Management of Scientific Data Products. Quality Management Journal, v13 Issue 2 (April), p. 7-21.
- Radziwill, N. M. and A. L. Shelton, 2005: Push for Cheese – A Metaphor for Software Usability. CrossTalk: The Department of Defense Journal of Software Engineering. December.
- Radziwill, N. M., 2005: An Ethical Theory for the Advancement of Professionalism in Software Engineering. Software Quality Professional, v7 Issue 3 (June), p. 14-23.
Editor of International Proceedings from SPIE Conferences:
- Chiozzi, G., and Radziwill, N. M., 2014: Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. TBD.
- Radziwill, N. M., and Chiozzi, G., 2012: Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy II, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8841.
- Radziwill, N. M., and Bridger, A., 2010: Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy I, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7740.
- Bridger, A. and Radziwill, N. M., 2008: Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy II, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7019.
Other (Refereed) Articles:
- Radziwill, N. M. 2011: Using SIPOC to Define Your Research Agenda: A Tool for Junior Faculty. ASQ Higher Education Brief, December 2011.
- Crossley, J.H., DuPlain, R. F. & Radziwill, N. M., 2009: Web Service Automates Access to Multiple Astronomical Data Sources. SPIE Newsroom, March 11, 2009; Retrieved from
Published (Refereed) Academic Software:
- Marganian, P., Garwood, R.W., Braatz, J.A., Radziwill, N.M. & Maddalena, R., 2013: GBTIDL: Reduction and Analysis of GBT Spectral Line Data. Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1303.019, March.