Professional Service includes activities that advance the mission of the University, the College, or the Department; activities that advance one’s professional scholarly community; and activities that benefit society in areas related to one’s professional expertise. A Satisfactory rating can be attained through an adequate level of participation in activities such as those listed below. This must include an adequate level of service to ISAT. To receive an Excellent rating, the individual must be at least Satisfactory in performing the activities below, and must demonstrate a higher level of leadership, initiative, effectiveness, and consistency in service.
My service activities over the past decade have been heavily weighted towards providing leadership through professional societies. For the American Society for Quality (ASQ), my work has helped to make three international conferences (WCSQ 2008, ICSQ 2009, ICSQ 2010) and two software related tracks in a larger international conference (WCQI ISE 2011; WCQI ISE 2012) possible. My service to the Society for Photo-Optical Engineering (SPIE) since 2004 has contributed to the support of one successful technical conference (SPIE Advanced Control Systems for Astronomy 2006) and a completely revised and expanded series of four conferences as Chair (SPIE Software & Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014). As Vice-Chair of the Management Division for the Association for Technology Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE), I coordinated the review and scheduling of the technical programs for our annual conferences in the fall of 2010 and 2011.
I have also engaged in departmental and college-level service activities that directly leverage my particular skills and expertise. As an exemplar, I thoroughly enjoyed spending a year organizing, preparing, and editing portions of the BS ISAT Self-Study Report for ABET Accreditation, and designing our approach for highlighting and communicating continuous improvement activities. With guidance from M. Handley, I wrote and organized much of Criterion 2 (Program Educational Objectives) and Criterion 3 (Student Outcomes) for the ABET Self-Study Report. I conducted faculty interviews to develop the learning and integration portion of Criterion 4 (Continuous Improvement), and organized and edited other portions of that chapter as well. I also led the production and editing of a whitepaper that was submitted to the Executive Advisory Committee (EAC) for early review and feedback. I am prepared to Chair this activity when re-accreditation is required in a few years.
Evaluation Criteria
In the following pages, evidence is provided for accomplishments in each of the following areas outlined by the ISAT Department Criteria Guidelines for Annual Evaluation, Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure:
Service that advances the missions of the university, the college, and the department.
- Serving and participating as a valued team member on departmental and pro-gram committees, task forces, etc.
- Serving and participating as a valued team member on college and university committees, task forces, etc.
- Participating in public relations events and student recruiting.
- Participating in grant proposals for external funding for teaching and equipment support.
- Serving as a faculty advisor to student organizations.
- Serving as a satisfactory student curriculum advisor.
- Initiating and carrying out a program which leads to a significant increase in ISAT or JMU resources, or in ISAT’s or JMU’s ability to perform its mission.
- A major service or office at the Department, College or University level.
- Service leadership, e.g., the ability to initiate and execute constructive change in ISAT.
- Other professional service which the PAC deems to be a leadership contribution.
Service that advances one’s professional scholarly community.
- Serving as a referee or reviewer of scholarly articles or textbooks.
- Reviewing proposals for sponsored government, academic, or industry programs.
- Serving as an officer of a professional organization.
- Serving as an editorial member of a professional journal.
- A major effort conducting workshops, symposia, and training sessions in one’s professional area.
- Other professional service to the faculty member’s professional scholarly community which the PAC deems to be a leadership contribution.
Service that benefits society in areas related to one’s professional expertise.
- A contribution which applies the resources of the University to solving a problem of local, regional, state, national, or international concern.
- A major effort to solve a problem at the local, state, national, or international level providing a significant benefit to society and in an area directly related to one’s professional expertise.
- A major service or office at the local, state or national level related to one’s professional competence.
- Other professional service directed at the betterment of society which the PAC deems to be a significant contribution.